驻孟加拉国经商参处1月20日发布安全交易提醒,孟加拉国The Farmers Bank Limited列入违约黑名单,信用证存重大风险。
去年以来,由于管理不善等因素,孟加拉国The Farmers Bank Limited银行出现较为频繁的信用证违约恶性事件,给中国企业在孟国际贸易造成巨大损失。
Since the beginning of last year, due to poormanagement and other factors,
The Farmers Bank Limited in Bangladesh hasexperienced frequent vicious events of L/C default,
which have been causinggreat losses to Chinese enterprises in international trade with Bangladesh.
The Farmers Bank Limited has a serious financialrisk,
rather than a L/C arrears case.
Now The Farmers Bank Limited has beenblacklisted by Economic & Commercial Counsellor’s Office,
Embassy of thePeople’s Republic of China.
All Chinese enterprises are requested to strengthenrisk control
and avoid accepting L/C issued by The Farmers Bank Limited.